Tree Farmers and sign image
. Tree Farmer Alert

Saturday, January 30, 2016
Over 800 readers and growing!

Colorado Tree Farmers are a network of land- owners that share forestry resources.

Tree Farm Local Group image

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Be confident that what you do in your forest
will improve it's health and sustainability for future generations.
Become a Tree Farmer!

What's in your Woods?


Watch this short video

Be a winner in the Wisest Woodcutter contest by choosing the most correct answers in "Whats in your Woods?" over the next year. See details.

Find the correct answer to the question from the previous issue here
(Answer in next issue)


Larimer County Tree Farmers
Winter Meeting

Date: Thursday, February 4, 2016
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Colorado State Forest Service Nursery
3843 West LaPorte Ave.
Fort Collins, CO 80523
Colorado tree Farmers - The New Requirements

Everyone welcome! Bring a friend!

See details


Number of Trees on Earth

contributed by Jon Bell

I heard an NPR article recently which gave the total estimated number of trees on the planet. They had compared actual forest studies with satellite photos and came up with 3.04 trillion trees worldwide. They went on to say we are loosing 10 billion* trees (net) per year; more are being cut/died than planted/germinated.

Tree Counter Is Astonished By
How Many Trees There Are

Billion with a 'B' sounds preposterous now, and I can't fact-check this. Can you?

3.04 trillion is 3,040,000,000,000.

10 billion is 10,000,000,000, which is 1/304th of the trees on earth. Or said another way, 10 billion is 0.33% of the trees on earth.

It is an ongoing puzzle to me that world-wide, we are cutting too many trees, but in local situations, we're not cutting enough. I'd like to hear some discussion on that subject. We know that not all tree cutters are bad guys!


Management Guide for Dwarf Mistletoe

contributed by
Bill Gherardi, Consulting Forester

Dwarf mistletoes are the most widely dispersed pathogens in the western United States. Several forces have influenced their distribution across the landscape. Historically, fire has been the foremost factor in affecting dwarf mistletoe population dynamics.

Read More


Colorado Insect & Disease recorded Webinar

contributed by
Dan Wand, Assistant District Forester
Colorado State Forest Service

Colorado State Forest Service Entomologist Dan West, recently conducted a webinar to disseminate information on the status of forest insect and disease issues that Colorado is currently experiencing.  For those with an interest, the webinar was recorded and is now available on the following YouTube site: Just click on the link.




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please pass it on!


Got a question about your woods?

You can find the answers to many of your questions on our website, www.treefarmer.com, but that's a big place. If you get lost, write us and we'll help you find the answers.

We're your neighbors just down .the road, behind the green and white Tree Farm signs and we care about what's happening in our forests.

If you have questions, have an article that you'd like to contribute, or wish to discontinue receiving Tree Farmer Alerts please send an email to stumpmaker@gmail.com

Join Us if you would like to go on our tours, question our experts, or share information on forest ecology and forest management with our members


Landowners who attend one of our tours in 2016 will receive the Colorado Tree Farmer's forest management manual, "Saving Your Forest". Currently certified Tree Farmers can get a manual by bringing a neighbor or friend to one of our tours.

Donate today and receive "Surviving Wildfire" (supply limited)

Details Here
